50-year-old ancient footpath reborn in Miaoli to protect the coast
The inconspicuous Goat Trail lies near the renowned seaside attraction in Houlong Township, Miaoli County. The trail connects the windbreaks from the hills to the seashore and was a significant transportation route for residents traveling between the mountains and the sea in the early years. However, with the development of industry and commerce and the construction of roads, the Goat Trail faded into obscurity for over half a century.
The coastal plants along the trail have grown into lush clusters, creating an ideal space for environmental education. Despite perilous slopes in neglected sections, a group of Miaoli Community University volunteers used local materials to ingeniously construct cobblestone steps and platforms, ensuring safe passage for walkers.
The rejuvenation not only safeguards the trail but also creates a space where people can visit to find harmony with nature and rediscover the timeless beauty of this historic path.
半世紀古道重生 苗栗社大守護海角
苗栗縣後龍鎮濱海知名景點好望角附近,有著一條不起眼的林徑,當地居民稱之為羊仔路。 羊仔路連接山丘到海邊的防風林,是早年居民往來山海間的交通要道。伴隨著工商發展與道路興建,羊仔路已廢棄超過了半個多世紀。
羊仔路沿途的濱海植物已蔚然成群,極具有多元環境教育的功能。然而沉寂半世紀的羊仔路,部分路段仍有危險斜坡, 在苗栗社大海岸志工通力合作下,以就地取材手作工法,鋪設鵝卵石石階平台,並對危險路段做處理讓行人可以通行。
牧羊古道在當地志工不斷整理之下,不僅守護海角一隅的鄉土價值,也為古道創造出新自然與人文魅力,讓更多民眾重新認識 牧羊古道的步道之美。
