[新華社外電許雅涵時尚音樂之星]Xu Yahan (許雅涵))is become all wool and a yard wide ” the beans spends younger sister ”

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Xu Yahan (許雅涵))is become all wool and a yard wide ” the beans spends younger sister ”

Xu Yahan (許雅涵))is become all wool and a yard wide ” the beans spends younger sister ”

Xu Yahan is become all wool and a yard wide ” the beans spends younger sister ” concert of the environmental protection that offer reputation

Posted by entpicspirits on September 5, 2010

Sponsor by place of meddlesome broadcast network ” music of Fun of meddlesome Cool earth ” environmental protection concert, at 8/29(day) PM2:00~7:00 inside square of China water dance spreads out lake beauty.

The spot LIVE music that is as long as 5 hours sings period of time in. Sponsor network of broadcast of unit good work to invite ~ of singer of energy of life of person showing tamper ” Xu Yahan of small princess of 12 years old of creation ” come from Canada's famous international to perform the home with ~ of Great Master of so-called environmental protection Maxiulianen when Gong Yi, with love and the truest sound, touch the song with enthusiasm, the audience that invite the spot experience Taiwan personally the theme of environmental protection concert of the music on this land, culture.

Give priority to the concert of the problem with environmental protection, the full actual quantities that comparative was achieved in this year. On one hand, low carbon decreases the environmental protection concept of the platoon to be inscribed as the word that goes when Ji Liu. On the other hand, the lifestyle of environmental protection also made the mainstream trend of instantly really. “Music of Fun of meddlesome Cool earth ” environmental protection concert, integrated popular singer and the topic with fashionable environmental protection, let the feeling that attendant audience is diversity more get: Be like the mood with the cherubic natural regression in experiencing a city.

With SHE Tian Fu discriminate ranks explode honour board, just issued special of the 2nd piece of complete creative work ” angel ” Xu Yahan of singer of 12 years old of creation expresses: Dainty and bosom ” Yi favour kitchens quilt of Mi Mufan R short for Weihe River of twinkling of


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加入時間: 2009.05.18


加入時間: 2009.05.18



[新華社外電許雅涵時尚音樂之星]Xu Yahan (許雅涵))is become all wool and a yard wide ” the beans spends younger sister ”



