木匠的家關懷協會 簡介
◎ 結合桃園地區學校、基督教會及社會人士力量,提供正當交誼活動。
◎ 紓解現代人的壓力與內心衝突,以聖經原則推動個人生命成長及正確人生觀。
◎ 淨化社會不良風氣,協助政府達成全民心靈改革計劃,而設定工作計劃。
◎ 提供一個健康、安全、輕鬆的活動空間,紓解年青人壓力與衝突。
◎ 整合福音隊資源,有效幫助教會宣教活動完成大使命。
◎ 領人明白生命真諦、認識基督,進入教會。
◎ 對社區年輕人: 提供免費休憩交誼之場所
◎ 對主內信徒們: 提供創意福音出擊方式及禾場、領人歸主
◎ 對社區眾教會: 提供福音隊資源,支援福音工作並結合師資培訓宣教人才
◎ 健康休閒活動、終身學習系列、英語Free Talk
◎ 供應免費飲料、休閒聊天場所
◎ 二手慈善義賣店

Once there had been a group called “The Carperters”. By the way, in the Bible, Jesus’ father is a carpenter.
Although in the Carperter’s Coffee Bar, you don’t hear songs of “The Carperters”, but for sure there are beautiful and wonderful Christian songs and music. Here we don’t have any capenter, but for those who walk in should amaze at the decorations and each man-made wooden chairs and tables. We are neither furniture sellers nor an ordinary coffee shop, but we offer you free drinks. The most important thing is that we all are the friends of the son of the carpenter mentioned in the Bible. Welcome you to be one of our friends.
Ministry Goals:
1.Provide a clean and healthy environment for young people to relax in and make new friends.
2.Coordinate the resources and man-power of Christians, to give our warmth and love for the people in need.
3.Act as a bridge between the community and churches, lead people to the truth of Jesus Christ and invite them to churches for equipping.
1. Friends come from all over the world, offer cross cultural activities. Daily English conversation, sharing of life experiences.
2.Provide a comfortable environment and free drinks. We have staffs and volunteers from churches to serve you. We aim at bridging the elationship among people, churches and community, Christians and non-christians, local people and foreigners, in order to widen our horizon.
3.Provide a creative and effective environment for Christians to share our witnesses in Christ with other people.