

2011/01/30 18:06
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PeoPo推 3








     Among the second day of the ceremony, presided over first by parakaljai, leading to a tribal festival ancestral spirits market, followed by psychic group to meet the ancestors, this ceremony is about to stab the ball to start, Pulingaw for the solemn event began.
     Stab the ball before the official ceremony is to tie an early thorn in the long pole in the pig, drop by a vayaq hand, after the knife cut off from the older medium, taking the first half of pigs, respectively, the Changgan worship, now responding not to kill, replaced by thorn by the elderly psychic to the middle court, a sepak takraw on hand and was thrown forward, the last group of chanting maljeveq psychics offering words Pricklies activities began, the first thrown by the vayaq, five have been by the sacrifice had psychic qapudrung, and the whole place vayaq prepared after another ball is thrown until all the balls, was stabbed in the Warriors until the end of the next day's activities be considered.




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