
Taiwan Joins the Battle for Bananas

2024/06/09 17:00
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Taiwan Joins the Battle for Bananas: Regional Project for the Prevention and Control of Fusarium TR4 of Banana in Central America

The purpose of the project is based on the multilateral cooperation framework, using the existing prevention and inspection mechanism between OIRSA and the plant health units of Central American countries, to promote regional prevention and control of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp cubense tropical race 4 (Foc TR4) that affects banana cultivation, thus ensuring the development of banana production in Central America.

OIRSA and the three partner countries are to develop the capacity to control Fusarium TR4 and improve the resilience of regional banana production, which has a production value of US$1.8 billion. The partner countries that will contribute to and benefit from this project are Guatemala and Belize.





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