
Miaoli Community College volunteers safeguard the cultural and ecological heritage of the Old Shepherd's Trail

2024/01/10 14:58
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For the last Try Shoot+ event of 2023, PeoPo brought citizen journalists to the Old Shepherd's Trail in Houlong, Miaoli. Here, they learned how volunteers from Miaoli Community College used traditional methods to restore the trail, transporting them back into scenes from the past. Listening to the detailed explanations of the community college volunteers, participants gained insights into plants and trees along the old trail, experiencing the emotional journey the volunteers went through in constructing the trail. The event also allowed new citizen journalists to meet and exchange ideas with seasoned counterparts.


With Miaoli's beautiful mountain and sea landscapes as the backdrop, together with the enthusiasm of citizen journalists, the last Try Shoot+ event of the year came to a close. In January next year, PeoPo will continue leading you to counties and cities across the nation to address new issues; please stay tuned for more exciting adventures ahead!


苗栗社大志工手作步道 守護牧羊古道文化與生態









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