Taiwan celebrates Lantern Festival praying for a lucky Tiger Year
Despite the threat of the Covid-19 pandemic this year, many counties and cities across Taiwan held lantern festivals. Though some were on a smaller scale and others canceled the normally crowded food and drink stalls, the specially themed lantern festivals still oozed with charm and ingenuity. Thanks to video reports from PeoPo citizen journalists, we captured many fascinating moments to share the beauty of Taiwan’s Lantern Festival. Traditionally, Lantern Festival celebrations mark the end of Chinese New Year; this year, hopefully, Taiwan can step out from the shadow of Covid-19 and finally return to normal.
福虎生風 全台慶元宵
今年雖然新冠肺炎疫情威脅壟罩,但全台灣各地仍然在維持好防疫安全的前提下,不少縣市都有舉辦元宵燈會的相關活動,有些縮小舉辦規模,有些取消人群聚集吃吃喝喝的攤商,但特色的主題燈節仍然各具巧思,在PeoPo Webcast節目中透過公民記者的鏡頭,帶大家賞燈去。。
