Transformation of lion dance culture - young students break stereotypes
Lion dances are part of traditional folk culture and popular at festive celebrations across Taiwan. In Keelung, Master Lu's Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe has participated in various competitions and won the championship many times thanks to their acrobatic lion dance skills. But the glamorous performances on the stage count on the diligence and hard work off stage. Some members of the group were sent to learn the art from childhood because they were rebellious and did not like to study, but thanks to Master Lu's careful guidance, they gradually fell in love with dragon and lion dance.
Master Lu’s dedication helps troupe members find their confidence in dragon and lion dance. They are passing on the culture of dragon and lion dance and giving children the opportunity to see the beauty of traditional culture through their performances.
翻轉醒獅文化 年輕學子打破刻板印象
