新型菸品正透過學術漂白 董氏:學術勿被菸商利用
台北榮總家醫部賴志冠醫師表示,台灣衛生部門與WHO主張一致:「沒有菸品減害」!但中經院研討會中邀請的第一主講者Konstantinos Farsalinos來自希臘Patras大學,全球最大菸草公司菲利普莫里斯菸草公司(PMI)贊助該校成立「無煙研究所」,該主講人更是菸商所贊助的「全球菸草與尼古丁論壇」常客。英國巴斯大學設置的「菸草技倆Tobacco Tactics」網站,為專門揭露菸商危害公眾健康的手段,就明指該講者是專門幫菸商推動「減害、幫助戒菸、開放管理」論述的御用學者之一[2] 。同樣專門揭露菸商伎倆的「全球菸害防制善政中心(GGTC)」更明指該講者近期多篇研究為誤導或欺騙[3]。

[2]英國巴斯大學設置的「菸草技倆Tobacco Tactics」網站,專門揭露菸商危害公眾健康的手段,就明指該主講人更是菸商所贊助的「全球菸草與尼古丁論壇」常客,更是專門幫菸商推廣菸品減害的御用學者之一:
[3] 同樣專門揭露菸商伎倆的「全球菸害防制善政中心(GGTC)」更明指該講者近期多篇研究為誤導或欺騙:
[1] 菸草控制框架公約FCTC第5.3條實施準則-有關揭露與菸商利益關係的部分
5.3條的指導原則第1條就明確指出:菸草業的利益與公共衛生政策 之間存在根本的和無法和解的衝突。
Principle 1: There is a fundamental and irreconcilable conflict between the tobacco industry’s interests and public health policy interests.
(1) 提高對菸草製品成癮性和危害性性質以及菸草業干擾締約方菸害防制 政策的意識。
(2) 制定措施限制與菸草業的往來,並保證發生的交往具有透明度。
(3) 拒絕與菸草業建立夥伴關係和簽署不具備約束力或無法執行的協議。
(4) 避免政府官員和雇員的利益衝突。
(5) 要求菸草業提供透明和準確的資訊。
(6) 儘量管制被菸草業描述為“社會責任”的活動,這類活動包括、但不限於所謂“企業社會責任”的活動,並且不使其正常化。
(7) 不給與菸草業優惠待遇。
(8) 像對待其他菸草業一樣對待國有菸草業。
(1) Raise awareness about the addictive and harmful nature of tobacco products and about tobacco industry interference with Parties’ tobacco control policies.
(2) Establish measures to limit interactions with the tobacco industry and ensure the transparency of those interactions that occur.
(3) Reject partnerships and non-binding or non-enforceable agreements with the tobacco industry.
(4) Avoid conflicts of interest for government officials and employees.
(5) Require that information provided by the tobacco industry be transparent and accurate.
(6) Denormalize and, to the extent possible, regulate activities described as “socially responsible” by the tobacco industry, including but not limited to activities described as “corporate social responsibility”.
(7) Do not give preferential treatment to the tobacco industry.
(8) Treat State-owned tobacco industry in the same way as any other tobacco industry.
(4) 避免政府官員和雇員的利益衝突。
4.1 締約方應制定一項關於披露和管理利益衝突情況的政策,需所有參與制定和執行菸害防制公共衛生政策的人員遵守,包括政府官員、雇員、顧問和合同人員。
4.2 締約方應制定、通過並實施一個公職人員行為守則,明確他們在與菸草業交往時必須遵守的行為標準。
4.3 締約方不應與那些根據現有菸害防制政策規定有利益衝突的候選人或投標人簽訂與制定和執行菸害防制公共衛生政策有關的任何工作的合同。
4.4 締約方應制定明確的政策,要求那些現在或以往從事制定和執行菸草控制公共衛生政策的公職人員,在離開後一個特定時間內,將其在菸草業內參加職業性活動的意向,無論是否有報酬,通知他們的機構。
4.5 締約方應制定明確的政策,要求那些申請有責任制定和執行菸害防制公共衛生政策的公共部門職位的人,公佈在任何菸草業中現在或以往的任何職業性活動,無論是否有報酬。
4.6 締約方應要求政府官員申報和撤出在菸草業的直接經濟利益。
4.7 政府機構及其下屬單位不應在菸草業有任何財務利益,但那些負責管理締約方在國有菸草業的所有權者除外。
4.8 締約方不應允許任何受雇於菸草業或任何促進菸草業利益的實體的人員,出任制定或執行菸害防制或公共衛生政策的任何政府機構、委員會或顧問小組成員。
4.9 締約方不應提名受雇於菸草業或任何促進菸草業利益的實體的任何人員,加入出席締約方會議、其下屬機構會議,或任何根據締約方會議決定成 立的其他機構會議的代表團。
4.10 締約方不應允許任何政府官員或雇員,或任何半/准政府機構的官員和雇員,接受菸草業的支付款項、禮品或服務,無論是貨幣或實物形式。
4.11 在考慮到國家法律和憲法原則的情況下,締約方應實行有效措施,禁止菸草業或任何促進其利益的實體向政黨、候選人或宣傳運動提供資金支持,或者應要求完全披露此類資金支持。
4.1 Parties should mandate a policy on the disclosure and management of conflicts of interest that applies to all persons involved in setting and implementing public health policies with respect to tobacco control, including government officials, employees, consultants and contractors.
4.2 Parties should formulate, adopt and implement a code of conduct for public officials, prescribing the standards with which they should comply in their dealings with the tobacco industry.
4.3 Parties should not award contracts for carrying out any work related to setting and implementing public health policies with respect to tobacco control to candidates or tenderers who have conflicts of interest with established tobacco control policies.
4.4 Parties should develop clear policies that require public office holders who have or have had a role in setting and implementing public health policies with respect to tobacco control to inform their institutions about any intention to engage in an occupational activity within the tobacco industry, whether gainful or not, within a specified period of time after leaving service.
4.5 Parties should develop clear policies that require applicants for public office positions which have a role in setting and implementing public health policies with respect to tobacco control to declare any current or previous occupational activity with any tobacco industry whether gainful or not.
4.6 Parties should require government officials to declare and divest themselves of direct interests in the tobacco industry.
4.7 Government institutions and their bodies should not have any financial interest in the tobacco industry, unless they are responsible for managing a Party’s ownership interest in a State-owned tobacco industry.
4.8 Parties should not allow any person employed by the tobacco industry or any entity working to further its interests to be a member of any government body, committee or advisory group that sets or implements tobacco control or public health policy.
4.9 Parties should not nominate any person employed by the tobacco industry or any entity working to further its interests to serve on delegations to meetings of the Conference of the Parties, its subsidiary bodies or any other bodies established pursuant to decisions of the Conference of the Parties.
4.10 Parties should not allow any official or employee of government or of any semi/quasi-governmental body to accept payments, gifts or services, monetary or inkind, from the tobacco industry.
4.11 Taking into account national law and constitutional principles, Parties should have effective measures to prohibit contributions from the tobacco industry or any entity working to further its interests to political parties, candidates or campaigns, or to require full disclosure of such contributions.