
Fury over uneven roads

2017/08/09 09:27
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In terms of surface area, National Pingtung University of Science & Technology is the largest university in Taiwan. According to police statistics, at least 10 traffic accidents occur each month outside the school’s main gate on Keda Road, at least 5 of which are related to people falling from scooters and injuring themselves. It appears that the main reason for accidents is the uneven road surface, which explains why so many students who rely on scooters as their main form of transport are involved in many of the accidents. 

Over a decade ago, National Pingtung University of Science & Technology often suffered from flooding, so much so that the students created a set of social media stickers mocking their own plight, attracting attention from around the country. Perhaps frequent flooding of the area has caused a loosening of the road foundation, eventually leading to pits on the road. However, patchy roads caused by frequent maintenance works and shoddy construction standards have created around 8300 meters of dismal road conditions on which road users have no alternative but to dodge and weave the potential dangers lying on all sides. 

Furthermore, the fact that the department responsible for road maintenance has chosen not to actively improve road quality and instead erect warning signs that read, “Uneven Road – Pits and Depressions – Reduce Speed,” has left everyone dumbfounded and attracted a flurry of media reports that ridiculing the signs. In addition, the county government also spent NT$30 million in 2014 on an experimental permeable road surface project covering a 500-meter stretch of road. However, in June 2015, neither the experimental road section had been completed nor the main road surface repaired. In April 2017, an official from the county government said that the Ministry of the Interior had agreed to provide NT$159 million for road surfacing and that construction was expected to begin in June, but by the end of July, there was still no sign of construction. After students return to school, their transport problem seems set to become even more complex and dangerous. With such woeful implementation efficiency, the departments responsible for the work must really engage in some serious reflective discussions.

Fury over uneven roads 



路見不平 氣到不行


屏東科技大學在數年前也曾因淹水問題,遭水中作樂的學生貼圖於網路自嘲,引起各界注意,也可能是因為常常淹水,道路基礎軟化,導致路面凹陷坑洞,再加上道路養護補丁,施工品質不佳,造成長度約 8300公尺的科大路,遍佈道路地雷危機四伏。

養護單位未積極改善道路品質,反而設置警告牌寫著,「本路段凹陷不平 請減速慢行」,真的是讓人哭笑不得,也引起了許多媒體爭相報導,視為笑柄。



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