
Hundreds of locals fight against establishment of smelting plant

2017/07/25 11:52
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Tangent (泓赫公司) plans to establish a smelting plant for waste materials in Zhong Xing Industrial Zone, which is located at Zhongping Village in Miaoli’s Tongluo Township. On the 13th of July, a public environmental health risk assessment meeting was convened inside the factory grounds, but after people wishing to take filming equipment into the meeting were obstructed by factory guards, a feisty tussle ensued. 

The recycling enterprise intends to introduce integrated smelter-refinery technology to recycle hazardous industrial waste from around the country, including medical waste, resin waste, batteries, and liquid waste. The public, however, is concerned that the plant will cause environmental pollution in the area and is firmly opposed to the venture. At the end of last year, Tangent delivered an environmental impact statement to Miaoli County Environmental Protection Bureau and in accordance with government requirements, a public environmental health risk assessment meeting was arranged. Unfortunately, due to the total chaos and disorder that broke out at the meeting, Tangent was unable to deliver its presentation and an EPA representative at the scene announced that the meeting had been canceled. 

This self-help protest group is composed of several hundred individuals from Tongluo, Gongguan and Miaoli City. The group also includes a Tong Luo people’s representative and village chiefs from the area. With the support of even more environmentally aware citizens in the future, we can prepare for the eco battles that lay ahead.

Hundreds of locals fight against establishment of smelting plant 



反對設立熔融廠 數百民眾銅鑼抗議







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