
Shaoxing opera undergoes renaissance in Taiwan

2017/04/18 14:09
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PeoPo推 2

Shaoxing opera is the second largest kind of Chinese opera, second only to Beijing opera. A style of opera that originated from Sheng County in Zhejiang Province and flourished in Shanghai, it has sadly seen a gradual decline in Taiwan over the last twenty years. Fortunately, a group of Chinese opera enthusiasts formed Taiwan GOOD Drama Society (台灣GOOD古篤戲劇苑) to promote the traditional arts and culture of Taiwanese opera, Huang-mei-xi opera, Kun opera and Shaoxing opera - Taiwan GOOD Drama Society is the only organization in Taiwan still passing on the art of Shaxing opera.  

Despite spending five years promoting, performing and striving to unearth promising young talent, head of Taiwan GOOD Drama Society, Zheng Ya-qian (鄭雅謙), has still failed to attract the support of the public sector. In spite of this, thanks to a great deal of hard work from members and the public in general, on the 1st of April, 2017, at Taipei’s Dadaocheng Theater, they succeeded in putting on the first large-scale Shaoxing opera performance in over twenty years. Zheng Ya-qian said she hopes to cultivate some promising students from Taiwan’s rich pool of creative talent so that one day they can have exchange and collaboration with performers in mainland China. 

Shaoxing opera undergoes renaissance in Taiwan



越劇在台灣 凋零與重生






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