
Full moon love – baker’s union delivers mooncakes to elderly people living alone

2016/10/04 17:19
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Touched by the plight of elderly people living alone, Chiayi County Pastry Business Association (嘉義縣糕餅商業同業公會) has established an annual tradition of providing mooncakes to elderly people at Mid-Autumn Festival. At the beginning of 2011, director-general of the association Wu Wan-tian (吳萬田) felt moved by the sad reality of many elderly people and started looking for a way to ameliorate their loneliness. He began asking pastry shops throughout Chiayi County if they would help by donating mooncakes for Mid-Autumn Festival, to which he got an overwhelming response; each and every shop signed up to the scheme.

During this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival, under the command of current director-general Wu Jun-hong (吳俊宏), Chiayi County Pastry Business Association raised a total of 3400 ‘compassion mooncakes’ and Huashan Social Welfare Foundation (華山基金會) helped distribute them to elderly people living throughout the township. These small mooncakes deliver a big boost of festive spirit to seniors living alone, something many of them haven’t experienced for a very long time.  

Full moon love – baker’s union delivers mooncakes to elderly people living alone



月圓情緣 糕餅公會愛獻獨老





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