

2015/09/07 08:46
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聯合國國際文化遺產檔案委員會(簡稱 CIPA),2015年第25屆雙年大會,首度在臺北市舉行。CIPA是聯合國教科文組織底下,相當具有影響力的一個科學委員會。

CIPA 主席 Andreas Georgopoulos 在開幕致詞時表示,他來到臺北後深覺『臺北是一個重視古蹟保護、對文化資產保存具有高敏感度的城市』,然而,真的是這樣嗎?








台北商業大學講師 蕭文杰

南港瓶蓋工廠守衛隊召集人 林怡君



Dear Presidents of ICOMOS and CIPA and participants of CIPA2015,

We're a group of local people who have been fighting for the preservation of the cultural heritage in our neighborhoods in Taipei for many years. We're very proud to be informed that CIPA 2015 is held in our city. We read from the news released from the city government that you believe Taipei city is highly sensitive for cultural heritage protection. We do wish that what you believe is true but actually due to urban regeneration for the profits of developers, the cultural heritage in Taipei city is ironically more endangered than that damaged in war in other countries. As the famous writer Chiang Shun (蔣勳) said, “Many foreigners who came to Taiwan didn't have any impressions on our cities because our cities are erasing their memories. Our island is an unsympathetic island.It doesn't have the memories of the past. It's not grateful for the past.” We're afraid that we're losing our memories, roots, and culture. The Department of Cultural Affairs often betrays the Venice Charter by moving the historical monuments to other places, or only parts of the buildings, or the facade, or walls are preserved for urban development projects. Construction of skyscrapers is so close to the cultural heritage site that its structure is damaged. Thus, we urge you to issue a public statement to push our government to be more sensitive to heritage protection and help us rescue the heritage sites in danger.

1. The industrial heritage sites along the first railway in Taiwan

The Ministry of Culture has been planning to recognize it as the potential UNESCO world heritage in Taiwan after TICCIH chose Taipei to hold the first meeting in Asia in 2012. Taipei Declaration on Asian Industrial Heritage is still the guideline on the website of TICCIH. However, 南港瓶蓋工廠 Nangang Bottle Cap Factory is the last industrial heritage left in Nangang, the former industrial district. It's a shame that it's facing demolition and the bulldozer is already present in the factory during your visit. For the construction of an unnecessary road, the landmark building at the gate will be cut into half and the sentry post will be moved from the original location and the shelter used during World War II might be demolished. Many tall commercial buildings will be erected in the factory. Songshan Tobacco Factory (松山菸廠) is already seriously harmed by the construction of Taipei Dome. The chimney is going to collapse and many cracks are discovered on the walls and floors of the buildings. Taipei Brewery (建國啤酒廠) and the Department of Railway (鐵道部) built during Japanese Occupation are also facing similar fates for the future development plans.

2. Monuments can't be preserved in their original locations

Xinbeitou Railway Station (新北投車站) was forced to leave Taipei City due to a wrong policy. Now after the efforts of locals, it can finally return to Beitou but it can't return to its original location because the government is eager to celebrate the 100th birthday of the station next year and it doesn't care if the station is properly restored at the right place. The last well and traditional building in the first Han village, Kulatao (堀仔頭楊家庄-仁讓居) in Taipei will be forced to leave their homes. The warehouse of Mitsui Co. will be moved too.

3. Only small parts of the heritage sites are preserved

Jiahe New Village (嘉禾新村) is one of the three main military dependents' villages in Taipei. It's the only Combined Service military dependents' village that is still intact but now it's also facing upcoming demolition and only three buildings will be preserved in a village which contains 130 buildings. There're many other similar examples as Jiahe New Village.

4. The monument will lose its heritage status

Wenmeng Brothel House (文萌樓) is the only brothel left in Taipei and was recognized as a historic monument many years ago. The current Department of Cultural Affairs is planning to cancel its identity and the organization that has been fighting for the human rights of licensed prostitutes and the preservation of the brothel will be forced to move from the building.

5. The monuments are not properly restored

Chen Yuechi Historical Residence (大龍峒古蹟陳悅記祖宅 - 老師府), constructed in 1811, has been recognized as a municiple historic monument since 1985 but it is not properly restored and many parts of the building are stolen during the restoration process. Moreover, the inhabitants are forced to leave their house.

We hope that ICOMOS will pay attention to and be actively participated in the cultural heritage protection in Taiwan, especially the endangered heritage sacrificed for the profits of developers in Taipei City.

The Cultural Heritages and Environment Protection Alliance in Taipei.



南港瓶蓋工廠 Nangang Bottle Cap Factory守衛隊
大龍峒文化工作室(大龍峒古蹟陳悅記祖宅 - 老師府)

公民記者 燕君迪/李宜珍 台北報導


▶︎ 07:16
▶︎ 05:24


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