史上最大環保行動 People's Climate March 人民氣候大遊行! 隨著921即將在紐約舉行的"全球氣候高峰會" 同步超展開~924@NYC #climatemarch #floodwallstreet
許多國際團體如 Global Exchange, Buddhist Global Relief, 350.org, Sierra Club, Avaaz, Idle No More Bay Area, Citizen's Climate Lobby, Breakthrough Communities Urban Tilth, Communities for a Better Environment, OWS, Occupy Togather, WRC... 等等有為人類, 為了各地環境, 也有為了野生動植物和數不清的草根地方社團及個人, 即將齊集世界首都. 因為有些基本問題不能等到下一代: 為什麼還在煙囪? 為什麼不推太陽能?...豺團不想, 政腐不管! 公民必須發動群眾運動, 不管你在那? 一起來響應 921 #氣候變遷 全球行動.
有志一同的喊出該改變的是金權制度,不是氣候 Stop Capitalism! End the climate crisis! #FloodWallStreet #ClimateMarch 停止資本主義, 終結氣候變遷危機! 人民氣候大遊行, 狂潮淹沒華爾街!
這已經不是左派右派鬥爭,這是下層對上層抵抗的公民時代! To make history, we need everyone!
大家從730就開始準備了 :) We need everyone!
三年前號 #OWS 號召年輕人 bring tents 帶帳篷來佔領華爾街, 今年921 #climatemarch 號召公民 bring kids 帶小孩一起來 - 因為這次不只遊行召告天下, 922接著佔領華爾街,還要教育未來領袖們對待世界的正確態度! Showing Children They Have the Power to Change the World. 長達4天橫跨全美的"People's Climate Train 人民氣候變遷列車"今晚也將到站 NYC http://revolution-news.com/peoples-climate-train-arrives-historic-climat...
Democracy Now! 的 AmTrek 特別報導!
包含各種族教派, 各行各業... Indigenous, Labor, Faith Groups Prepare for Historic March
知名社會學家 Naomi Klein 不但為此著書, 公開點名加拿大總理接受她的採油廢水挑戰, 更媒體喊出 Our economic model is waging a war against all life on Earth. Forget everything you think you know about global warming. The really inconvenient truth is that it’s not about carbon—it’s about capitalism. 一種向地球掠奪的經濟模型,正在向我們宣戰!別在資本家設定好的碳交易問題上打迷糊戰, 萬惡之首就是資本主義!
現場直播連Live! http://new.livestream.com/accounts/467901/events/3400186
sky lee(OccupyTaiwan) https://facebook.com/themoslar
Revolution News https://www.facebook.com/RevNews
反資女力聯盟 https://www.facebook.com/wactaiwan
佔領台 https://www.facebook.com/occupytaiwan
貧窮新聞社 https://www.facebook.com/poornews
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300尺遊行布條志工接力製成時實況 A time lapse of the making of a massive 300 foot long banner that reads "Capitalism = Climate Chaos - Flood Wall Street."
922 #FloodWallStreet 行動歌也準備好了 :)
The people gonna rise like the water
We gonna calm this crisis down
I hear the voice of my great-granddaughter
Saying shut down Wall Street now!
People's Climate March 計畫公佈
而我們身處台灣, 縱使距離遙遠也要參加網路(FB)襲捲, 讓更多關心的人知道, 這一場史上最大規模の公民不服從921~924佔領活動 #FloodWallStreet So far, yet so close!
第一波佔領_靜坐華爾街已有數千人報名 Climate Justice Alliance, Naomi Klein, Rebecca Solnit and Chris Hedges...巨匠雲集!
等不及'銀行家去關'@祖克提公園自由廣場 #Zuccotti 與 Marni Halasa
Use #FloodWallStreet on Facebook and Twitter to let us know about the actions you organize. http://floodwallstreet.net/
MARCH with us on Sunday.https://www.facebook.com/events/651924481569492/?ref_dashboard_filter=up...
FLOOD with us on Monday.
現場聯播 Media Broadcast@
sky lee(OccupyTaiwan) https://facebook.com/themoslar
Revolution News https://www.facebook.com/RevNews
反資女力聯盟 https://www.facebook.com/wactaiwan
佔領台 https://www.facebook.com/occupytaiwan
貧窮新聞社 https://www.facebook.com/poornews
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PeoPo 討論區