
multilateralism vs a rising China

2012/08/08 14:42
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From Thomas Wright's "Outlaw of the Sea":

In July 2010, at the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) in Hanoi, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that the United States believes that all maritime territorial disputes in the South China Sea must be resolved multilaterally and in accordance with international law. It is a policy that she repeated at the deadlocked 2012 ARF in Cambodia. For its part, China objected to the "multilateralization" of maritime disputes then and continues to do so now. Beijing believes that it is more likely to make gains if it strikes individual bargains with weaker powers, including Manila and Hanoi. The other capitals realize this, which is why they welcomed Clinton's commitment to multilateralism.

A strong multilateral structure in Asia is a prerequisite to balancing Chinese assertiveness. The United States should not take sides in other countries' disputes, but it can and must insist upon a strong regional framework to ensure that a rising China does not destabilize the status quo. On this issue, the 34 senators who oppose the treaty are taking Beijing's side. They are speaking up for the bilateralism and unilateralism that will harm the U.S.-led regional order in the Asia-Pacific. No doubt, news of Ayotte and Portman's recent declarations was greeted warmly in Beijing. U.S. allies and strategic partners in South East Asia, meanwhile, will be even more doubtful of Washington's capacity to maintain its leadership role. It is strategic multilateralism in the Atlantic that helped the United States to win the twentieth century. Without concordant multilateralism in the Asia-Pacific, it will not fare so well in the twenty-first. 





▶︎ 09:49
▶︎ 02:34


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正義 (未驗證) ・ 2012/08/16 05:58

強烈要求聯合國取締共產黨,審判中國共產黨!The United States and the European Union's largest democracy, freedom and human rights defenders! At the expense of all costs, many great warriors in order to defend the human rights of peoples and the peoples of the world's free! Pay tribute to the great warrior!
Strongly urged the United States and the United Nations, we must determine the terrorist regime of the Chinese Communist Party! June 4, 1989, the Chinese Communist Party, which is a terrible massacre, evil group of international law sanctions criminal behavior. Than the Syrian regime, which is the tragic story of mankind's most brutal and extreme grief million times, the Holocaust is terrible! Therefore, the United States and the United Nations must play to establish a firm spirit of a great democracy, human rights and freedoms continue to exist, instead of the Communist Party of China, the seriousness of the Communist Party of China must be a total ban on super butcher provisions, will live forever in prison. Lee maritime trade union leaders in the June 4,1989, the massacre of thousands of students in Tiananmen Square, the Communist Party, then detained Li marine terrorist persecution blindness, the most despicable, immoral terrorist persecution Lee deaf ears Li of the Chinese people's democratic movement cruel victims. In prison, in the cruelty of the Communist Party of China, Li rushed to hospital for examination, was seriously injured in the treatment of diseases caused by the Communist persecution by the butcher, there is no humane prison, but in fact, "despicable terrorist assassination of the Communist Party in the hospital executioner of the plan. Li Haiyang people have been killed, forgery Lee committed suicide, Chinese Communist Party is evil, the Communist Party has been very shameless, Li Wang Yang had been killed, a terrible, despicable heinous crimes of the Communist Party of China have committed heinous crimes, 60 years, 60,000,000 people were killed - Chinese Communist Party, must be sentenced to long imprisonment, a total ban on the Communist Party of the trial of the Communist Party of anyone, even God is not qualified to forgive the terrorist crimes of this evil regime, must be sanctioned by law to end the Communist Party Communist Party, in order to achieve the purpose of terrorism, assassinations, kidnappings, bloody riots, social institutions, bombing, to create a war-torn land, looting of property The first step is a predatory businessman was killed, and all acts of violence, it is cruel, a terrorist organization, the heinous crimes committed in the massacre of the people, the biggest killer of 1917 the main Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the overthrow of the czar system, the establishment of deception, in the Soviet Communist Party's Party Alliance, the tsar family of a terrorist organization killed the Czar. the family of the Soviet Communist Party, the party of terrorists hijacking the Czar's family, a sinister plan, a deceptive picture to commemorate the Czar's family, photography, immediate slaughter of the tsar family, even young children can not escape a item a few months the Communist Party of evil must be punished! Otherwise, the horrors of the Communist Party, is simply absurd and cruel, in order to expand the terrorist forces of the Communist Party, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union occupied the occupation of the land around the Soviet secret terrorist training in Communist Party headquarters in Moscow economic rights of the Communist Party of China Communist Party secret party, which show that the conspiracy underground of the Communist Party of China Communist Party-controlled organizations, creating chaos, terrorism and more bloody riots and confrontation, violence and war, to weaken China's industrial production, manufacturing in any way Japanese companies provoked the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression sabotage, assassinations, explosions, all the Japanese businessmen, manufacturers, freight shipping, freight, rail, train with the aim of provoking a second world war and terrorist plans to eliminate Kuomintang army plans to create a world war, the destruction of the Nationalist government, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, communism, Communist Party, the Chinese party in Japan's national war, the plot of the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang regime and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union stressed that the de facto opportunity to robbery, the Communist Party and other cruel, bloody upheavals and wars, terrorist activities, this is a very important criminal acts, to ban the Communist Party, and terrorist criminals to go unpunished is not allowed to prohibit the system, it is necessary that you have the horrors of the Communist Party roots.強烈要求聯合國取締共產黨,審判中國共產黨!

正義 (未驗證) ・ 2012/08/18 06:04

共產黨慶祝六十年,殘害了二億八千萬人民的生命!今天有三億人是這些受害人民的親人,親戚,好友,他們都生活在悲傷中,還有無數偉大的學者,律師,民權為了欺騙人民及欺騙香港人,共產黨在菲律賓槍殺香港人血案中,不但當香港人生命如糞土,而且不注重調查真相。香港於是自己去菲律賓調查真相,共產黨見香港人已經不將共產黨放在眼中,於是共產黨陰謀統戰部,想出一個極低能,白癡又沒人性的騙子陰毒計,將大陸人民一樣不當人命,居然叫愚昧的魚民詹傻熊,故意到釣魚台捉魚,之前共產黨海防兵,不準任何魚船接近釣魚台海線,此次是有陰毒才叫一只船越 界,共產黨害人政權,以為可以轉移菲律賓槍手殺香港人事件,及欺騙人民,表演共產黨有方法救人,結果人民及香港人,卻見到共產黨只是殺人民的紙老虎,既然共產黨,想陰謀利用釣魚台搞事欺騙人民,既然共幫理由充足,乾脆用戰爭較量,但是沒膽沒能力軍火向日本要釣魚台!更不敢宣戰!如此共產黨應該自我了斷,自我滅亡!

正義 (未驗證) ・ 2012/08/23 05:44


正義 (未驗證) ・ 2012/09/22 04:54


正義 (未驗證) ・ 2012/09/23 05:04
