
The Thing I Would Like to Change

2011/08/01 15:53
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PeoPo推 2

I had the power to change anything in my country, I would choose the issue of LGBT

Differing from the traditional education, which just teaches about heterosexuality, there are many kinds of sexual orientations in our society. LGBT is an initial referring collectively to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. It is reported that 10% of population is LGBT. However, in the current environment, we can’t see this diversity commonly. One reason is that those LGBT people are deemed as “freak” by “ordinary” people. They may think LGBT people are abnormal. The environment is still unfriendly to LGBT people, which causes many those people tend to disguise their sexual orientation. Some would skillfully deflect the question related to sexual orientation, and some even claim to be a heterosexual. It would be a rough time adapting the process of “coming out”, no matter who tell the “truth” to others or whom are informed by LGBT people, because we are not used to face this kind of situation.


If the education in primary school taught the children there are diverse sexual orientations, they would take sexual orientations of different people in stride. They would not just be tolerate or accept them, but feel ordinary about them. These days, there are both positive and negative people arguing about whether Gender Equity Education contains LGBT topic or not. If I had the power, I would try my best to support the education which teaches people to see, understand, and get along with LGBT people.


▶︎ 09:49
▶︎ 02:34


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