
A Century-Old Craft: Chen Tsung-Wei Takes on the Mission of Preserving Deity Statue Artistry

2025/01/07 14:00
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PeoPo推 1

In Taiwan’s vibrant folk religion tradition, the intricate process of creating deity statues serves as a powerful testament to deep cultural and spiritual roots. The craft of deity statue artistry, or "Zhuang Fo," involves a meticulous 16-step process, including three sacred rituals that underscore the inseparable bond between artistry and faith. At just 36 years old, Chen Tsung-Wei has emerged as Lugang’s youngest deity statue artisan and is currently an artist-in-residence at the National Center for Traditional Arts.

Chen’s journey into this sacred craft began in his childhood, shaped by his grandfather, who was a spirit medium. Immersed in temple culture from an early age, Chen developed a deep fascination for deity statues. By a stroke of luck, he was introduced to Master Shih Chih-hui, a renowned deity statue artisan, and became his apprentice. Despite having some experience in clay modeling, Chen was new to wood carving and faced numerous challenges that tested his resolve. At times, he even considered giving up. However, the encouragement and validation from his mentor reignited his passion and determination to continue in this field. 

Today, Chen is dedicated to preserving this centuries-old craft. He strives to deepen public appreciation for deity statue artistry and to pass on its legacy to future generations, ensuring that this timeless tradition endures.







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