Learning Compassion Through Nature: A New Perspective on Health from a Wetland Journey
Students and faculty from Yang Ming Chiao Tung University’s College of Nursing visited the Wanli Wetland Education Center, run by The Society of Wilderness, to engage in habitat conservation. This hands-on experience aimed to strengthen students' understanding of the link between health and the environment.
Volunteers guided them through the wetlands, introducing vital aquatic plants that support the ecosystem.
Through direct involvement in conservation work, students developed a deep appreciation for teamwork and attention to detail. Led by their professor, they collaborated to complete tasks, uncovering the subtle wonders of nature along the way. This wetland journey provided them not only with lessons in environmental stewardship but also with a fresh perspective on health, cooperation, and compassion within nature.
在自然中學習關懷 濕地之旅帶來健康新視野
活動中師生們透過實際參與棲地維護工作,感受更是深刻 帶隊教授更提出過程中團隊合作的重要性,學生們用協力的方式去運作,在過程中發現細微的事物,更透過團隊合作去完全任務,這場濕地之旅,讓學生們在自然中學習合作、關懷和健康的新視野。
