
Museum-grade barber shop still open for business after 70 years

2024/10/01 14:00
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In the heart of Jiatou Old Street, the Longjing Fieldwork Workshop works to preserve the charm of their hometown. Armed with old photographs, the team isn’t just retracing the exact spots depicted in the works of renowned Longjing artist Chen Hui-kun ; they are also uncovering hidden gems. One of their discoveries is the Yingchuan Men’s Barber Shop, a quaint spot tucked away in a quiet alley, resembling a mini-museum.

At 84 years old, Mr. Chen, the barber, remains remarkably sharp, skillfully wielding his scissors to serve his customers. His shop, in operation for over 70 years, has retained much of its original equipment, preserving memories that younger generations may never have experienced. Walking inside feels like stepping into a time machine, offering visitors a nostalgic journey to a bygone era.

Through these fieldwork efforts, locals are rediscovering the rich cultural and historical tapestry of their town. By exploring the alleyways and revealing these untold stories, they are building a precious collective identity. Every detail is documented to ensure this vibrant history is passed on to future generations.







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