
Former site of American School in Tainan City transformed into new marketplace

2021/11/23 15:50
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The American School in Tainan City's North District has been abandoned for 45 years. The community residents decided to preserve the old site and renovate the sidewalks around the base to create a pedestrian-friendly space. In addition, an "American" market was established, inviting regional revitalization workers from Tainan, entrepreneurial youth, local youth farmers, and residents to help infuse creativity into the community.


Tainan American School was once a dormitory area for the U.S. Army Advisory Corps and a school. The American school brought Western education to Tainan, and American life has since been integrated into the local culture. The market was named as "American" with the aim of helping people to discover the local history and to pass on the heritage of local life from the former Tainan American school. In addition, the market also hopes to realize "city and village join hands, young and old create together," with the aim of further increasing the livability of Tainan North District and rekindling historical memories.





台南美國學校舊址煥然一新 青銀共創特色市集







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