
Fishing village in Budai transformed into a new artistic landscape

2021/11/23 15:47
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Budai Township is located in Chiayi County near the Taiwan Strait. The main livelihood of most villages in the township is fishing. In recent years, tourism has been boosted by attractions such as the High-Heeled Shoes Church and Haomei Painted Village, and many distinctive murals have been created in Bisha Street, making it a hot new spot in Budai.


Bisha Street had become dilapidated due to a road-widening project two years ago. Southwest Coast National Scenic Area Administration worked with a team of artists to renovate the dilapidated houses on Bisha Street, incorporating visual installation art through a community landscape creation project to create a whole new look for the area. Thanks to the integration of art into the streetscape, the previously dilapidated houses on Bisha Street have been transformed, and the memories of the fishing village life in Budai have been preserved through wall murals.




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