
Stories in the fight against Covid-19

2021/07/01 15:15
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In the past month, the impact of Covid-19 in Taiwan has been considerable. During this period, students have been unable to attend school and forced to participate in online classes at home. Staring at computer screens for hours on end has severely impacted the vision of many children. In view of this, Kaohsiung Education Bureau and National Education Radio decided to launch a fun audiobook activity so that kids could listen to stories while fighting the epidemic. School principals and teachers have been invited to recommend picture books that could be transformed into audiobooks and broadcast on the radio station to give students another mode of learning and their eyes a much-needed rest.




疫情下的影響 聽故事抗疫趣

這一個月以來,新冠疫情在台灣造成的影響相當大,這段期間學生們沒有辦法到校上課,在家中使用電腦視訊,長時間的影像刺激  已經嚴重影響許多孩童的視力。有鑑於此,高雄市政府教育局和教育廣播電台合作,推出聽故事抗疫趣有聲書活動。並邀請各學校的校長及老師們推薦繪本,用說故事的方式錄音,透過廣播電台播送,希望可以讓學生們用不同的方式學習,也可以讓眼睛充分得到休息。





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