Guide runners help the visually impaired enjoy the great outdoors
In the evening at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, one can see dancing students, older people doing exercises, people walking dogs, and pairs of runners jogging side by side. Guide runners and visually impaired runners use a rope tether to stay connected with each other. Guide runners act as visually impaired runners’ eyes, helping them navigate around obstacles and build a picture of their environment. To guarantee safety, guide runners only lead one visually impaired runner at a time. To ensure that each visually impaired runner has someone to lead them, the number of guide runners in a group normally exceeds that of visually impaired runners.
Zhonghua Visually Impaired Road Running Association (中華視障路跑協會) hopes that more people will join the ranks of guide runners and help more visually impaired people take the big step of getting out of the house. Guide runners for domestic running are not required to be experienced or good at running. As long as you are willing to accompany visually impaired runners and be their eyes, you are welcome to join. Your contribution will help visually impaired people to better appreciate their surroundings and experience the color and variety of life.
牽起陪跑繩 帶領視障者走向戶外
