
Weightlifting to a better future

2020/08/05 11:31
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PeoPo推 0

While most kids are sitting at home during the summer vacation, one group of children is on campus working hard to realize their dreams. Force Weightlifting Club is composed of children from junior high to high school ages in Dongyuan District, Tainan City. The club aims to assist kids in performing to their fullest potential in sports and the education system.

Force Weightlifting Club is the children's second home. With the children living on-campus, the school doesn't merely emphasis training, but also the children's daily on-campus living. Through exceptional sporting performances, the children can apply for scholarships and nutrition grants, etc., which in addition to developing the kids' self-confidence, also greatly helps their families.

There is more than one way to escape from poverty. With hard work and an indefatigable spirit, education has the power to overcome the gravitational pull of social class, giving children more choices for the future. Hopefully, society will begin to pay more attention to this issue and help protect the path to higher education of every child.


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