
PeoPo Shuangxi Your Shoot – Witnessing a green revolution

2019/06/17 10:37
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Shuangxi has over one hundred years of history and was once a key coal mining town in Taiwan. However, following a recession in the mining industry, the area suffered severe population outflow, and Shuangxi gradually declined. In the past few years, Shuangxi has witnessed somewhat of a revival thanks to the diligent effort of ecologically-minded small-scale farmers in the area. By pioneering a farming approach to coexist with nature without the use of pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, etc., these green warriors are helping to protect and preserve natural resources and the environment.

For this year’s 3rd Your Shoot event, we visited the small town of Shuangxi. Themed “Danlan Shuangxi Farmers – A Century-Old Tapestry of Culture & Agriculture,” citizen journalists met locals who are silently working to develop natural farming in Shuangxi. The local community hopes that in the future, tourists won’t merely pass through Shuangxi but stop to get to know the area and enjoy the pristine local environment.


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