Spreading love through second-hand lingerie and fruit!
The living room is filled with a whole selection of things, including boxes of underwear and basket upon basket of fruit; this is Ji'an, Hualien, the base of operations for Seeing Taiwan Girls’ director, Yu Jing (余靚). A couple of years ago, Yu Jing was struck by the terrible waste involved in continually replacing underwear and began to collect second-hand underwear to send to those in need.
Originally, Yu Jing sent all of the second-hand underwear she collected to Free The Girls, an organization that mainly collects and sends second-hand bras to Africa, providing an important source of income for local girls. Following this, she then began to work with Support The Girls, an organization that provides bras and menstrual hygiene products to the homeless and refugees. Regarding Taiwan, completely new bras are collected and sent to female hostels.
In addition to collecting second-hand underwear, Yu Jing has a second passion - fruit stalls. Through this compassionate endeavor, she not only helps farmers sell smaller sized fruit but also raises much-needed finances for shipping the collected bras overseas and buying dog feed for her local animal shelter in Hualien. Yu Jing is simply brimming with warmth for people and helping to spread a great deal of kindness in the world.
Spreading love through second-hand lingerie and fruit!
URL: https://www.peopo.org/news/345393
二手內衣與水果攤 余靚用串聯讓愛越傳越遠
客廳裡擺滿了許多東西,有一箱箱的內衣、也有一籮筐一籮筐的水果,這裡位於花蓮吉安,也是Seeing Taiwan Girls召集人余靚的工作基地。有感於內衣必須不斷汰換,在兩三年前,他開始募集二手內衣,並且寄給有需要的人。
余靚募集到的二手內衣最初是送給Free the girls,該組織主要是將募集到的二手內衣送到非洲,並輔導當地婦女販賣,讓他們有更多元的收入管道,之後則是與Support the girls合作,提供貼身衣物給女性街友或難民。台灣部分則會募集全新的內衣送往少女收容單位。
PeoPo 討論區