
Large-scale board game teaches kids about animal protection

2017/08/01 10:46
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Taiwan Animal Equality Association (台灣動物平權促進會) raises events in riverside parks around New Taipei City to teach the public how to safely interact and avoid conflict with stray dogs. One of the activities at such events is a large-scale board game that has been attracting the attention of many children.

The game, called “Battle to Rescue the Animals,” invites children to serve as rescue experts. Rolling dice to move forwards, the kids are confronted with various tasks, questions and hurdles to cross. By getting a medal, the kids are able to rescue the animals and as long as they return to the starting point it’s considered a great success. Participating children have all been taking great delight in the game and the parents have given it a big thumbs-up. 

In addition to the large-scale board-game activity, there are also computer games and volunteers providing explanations, as well as dogs brought for adoption by New Taipei City Animal Shelter. With its multi-pronged fun teaching approach, Taiwan Animal Equality Association is making a deep impression on people’s hearts. 

Large-scale board game teaches kids about animal protection  



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