

2009/04/11 22:11
6,174次瀏覽 ・ 0次分享 ・ 3則留言
PeoPo推 2

事情總有個開始, 而開始是在2月於 WPF 討論區的這篇文章:

Starting with the 3rd contest, we want to publish the example files in many languages. Those who volunteer for the translation of the instructions, please get in touch with us: oguzataypc@gmail.com

於是 Joky 用?腳的英文外加譯典通的暗助下, 寫了封文法不知錯了多少的信去, 大意是熱心地要幫忙把內容翻譯成中文, 雖然不曉得對方看不看得懂。


三月過去了, O?UZ ATAY PUZZLE CONTEST 3 的中文翻譯這檔事無疾而終…

四月來了, 就在今天早上說明檔上線後20分鐘, 我的信箱收到了來自主辦單位的信:

Dear puzzle friend,

The instruction file of the 4th OAPC has just been published on the website. We're sending the text version of instructions for volunteered translations. Please return the translated version of the same file before 16 April 2009, writing your name and language on the given fields in the first page.

We're expecting a feedback mail to ensure us you have received this mail.

Thanks for your cooperation,

Serkan Yurekli
Gulce Ozkutuk

我是在快兩個小時後才看到這封信, 因為星期六嘛, 睡到早上八點是很稀鬆平常的咩~~~
是的~~我們人數到齊了!!(心虛角落畫圈圈~~), 五月中要準備開會員大會啦~~
還有好消息喔, 聽說會費會降, 大家快來參加吧!!


反正到了剛才, 我終於把內容翻完了, 接下來就要說正經的事情。
小弟只是對 Puzzle 有著莫名的熱情, 但並不擅於語文的翻譯, 這次我也只是希望當個開路者, 所以試圖做翻譯這檔子事, 但是文字的拗口或是內容的辭不達義都可能發生, 所以我需要大家的鼎力相助….

(請捐錢給我去學英文~~)不是啦~~是拜託大家看看這些規則中有什麼錯誤或不順的, 不管是在底下回應或是在 PTT Puzzles 版上批評指教都好, 希望集眾人之力, 能夠將這篇規則說明的中文翻譯做到最好。

我會在明天晚上十點鐘前把所有意見匯整修正, 然後將正式會公告在網頁上的中文翻譯檔案寄出去(早點送比較好嘛!!)

感謝的代價是: 下一屆有人自願翻譯的話, 我願意讓賢, 讓大家有機會看到品質更好的文字描述。


檔案下載: http://oapc.wpc2009.org/download.php?id=73


Hi to all puzzle friends!

As you know puzzlers from all over the world are getting together twice a year in different countries decided by WPF. This year Turkey is hosting the 18th WPC in Antalya.

Counting down to the 18th WPC, we have decided to hold online competitions every month, as a preparation & practice for the event. Until October, we will organise an online contest at the third Saturday of every month. This set of competitions will help puzzlers get familiar with the Turkish puzzles, the types some of which may be used in the WPC.

We named this competition set “O?uz Atay Puzzle Contest”, having the name of one of the best Turkish writers, who passed away early as most of the bests.

The contest is made up of 10+1 puzzle types, four puzzles of each type plus an optimizer. The duration for the contest is 150 minutes. There will be an extra five minutes for late submissions, but every late second costs 0.02 points.

The + sign used in separating puzzles and the puzzle scores is the symbol of OAPC.

For any questions about OAPC, view forum:  http://www.wpc2009.org/forum/

Serkan Yürekli & Gülce Özkütük

嗨, 各位解謎的同好:

正如大家所知, 每年WPF 都會在不同的國家舉辦兩場大型的賽事(譯注: WPC 和 WSC), 而解謎玩家們也得以共聚一堂。今年, 輪到了土耳其在安塔利亞(Antalya)辦理第十八屆 WPC 競賽。

在第十八屆 WPC 辦理的時刻進入倒數之際, 我們決定每個月舉辦一場線上賽, 為這個活動做一個準備, 也讓大家有練習的機會。時間是在每個月的第三個星期六, 從現在起一直到十月。這一系列的比賽將更有助於讓解謎玩家們得以對土耳其的謎題更加的熟悉, 其中有部分, 將會出現在本屆 WPC 的賽題之中。

我們將此系列的線上賽命名為『O?uz Atay Puzzle Contest』 , 借用一位過逝許久的土耳其知名作家的大名。

比賽由 10+1 種的謎題所組成, 每種謎題各四道賽題(共10種), 再加一道要求出最優解的題目。時間限制 150分鐘, 也容許玩家時間截止後五分鐘之內仍可以輸入答案, 但這段延遲的時間會有懲罰, 每延遲一秒扣 0.02分。


若對OAPC 有任何疑問, 請至討論區 http://www.wpc2009.org/forum/ 發表您的意見。

Serkan Yürekli & Gülce Özkütük


1-4. Previously On OAPC

1-2: Wittgenstein Briquet: Locate some blocks in the grid, each having the size 1x3. The numbers in the diagram indicate the number of blocks touching their cell from the sides. All remaining cells should be connected to each other orthogonally.
3-4: Thermometer Degree: Place digits 1-9 in the grid so that no digit is repeated within a row/column. Thermometers should be filled regularly, starting from the rounded part. Numbers outside the grid indicate the sum of numbers that can be read in the thermometers, in the corresponding directions. A number in a thermometer is read starting from the rounded part, so this reading may be in any of the four directions.

Answer format: 1-2: Write the amount of horizontal blocks, followed by the amount of vertical blocks.The answer for the example would be: 1,3  3-4:Write the content of the marked row/column.Use 0 for empty cells.The answer for the example would be: 469517

1-4 Previously On OAPC

1-2: Wittgen stein Briquet:
將一些1x3大小的積木, 放進格子中。表格裏的數字代表有多少塊積木和數字所在的格子有相鄰的邊。而所有剩下的格子必須要能連在一起。

3-4: Themometer Degree:
將數字1-9放入格子中, 同行或同列的數字不得重覆。溫度計就像你看過的一樣, 要由圓形端開始逐格填入。在表格外的數字, 則代表了在該行或該列裏, 溫度計當中數字的總和。若為多位數, 溫度計的數字要由圓形端開始讀, 所以數字的順序有四種方向的可能性。(譯注: 上到下, 下到上, 左到右, 右到左, 視圓形端位置及溫度計陳列的方向而定)

1-2: 先寫下向陳列積木的數量, 再寫下向陳列積木的數量, 像範例中的答案就是: 1,3。
3-4: 寫下標記的行或列當中的內容。若是空格, 則以 0 表示, 像範例中的答案就是: 469517。


5-8. Paravan

Place digits 1-5 / 1-6 to the grid so that no digit is repeated within a row/column. Some cells should be blackened in order to avoid a digit see its consecutives in a row/column. A digit can see others in a straight line until its view is blocked with a black cell. Blackened cells cannot touch each other from the sides. No cell can remain empty.

Answer format: Write the content of the marked row/column. Use 0 for blackened cells. The answer for the example would be: 310420 

5-8 Paravan

將數字1到5 / 1到 6 放入格子中, 讓每行或每列都沒有重覆的數字。



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puzzlez (未驗證) ・ 2009/04/14 11:59



祈求一顆天真的心 (未驗證) ・ 2009/04/18 08:05

To Puzzlez:
但看起來真的很蠢, 像是那種薄薄的中英對照童話故事書, 後來出的各語言翻譯版沒人這樣搞的:P
您的大名被列上去了, 當然第一是因為要謝謝您幫我抓錯誤。至於第二...
就是如果真的翻譯有錯誤, 我被罵的時候也有個陪葬的傢伙, 哈哈~~~

To 靜:
Yes, 就在今晚12點...
但是明天的數獨賽 Instruction booklet 還是在難產中, 可能要拖到今晚才會出現, 我大概來不及翻譯了。