
Crying Hippo 阿河遭虐死 農委會擺爛

2015/01/10 01:39
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PeoPo推 2

Business as usual, Crying Hippo A-Ho's head will rest in exhibition! - January 09, 2015 Update - For his body was torn beyond repair, for his name already gains popularity, for this is the best the Council of Agriculture Taiwan 台灣農委會 said they can do! But, Does it sound like an honor to A-ho? 


The recent deaths of a White Whale, a White Dolphin, an Alpaca, many Pheasant-tailed Jacanaands & A-ho (Until now, the Council of Agriculture 農委會 didn't explain how the importation of those protected animals was approved?) showcased the owners' primary concern is Money, highlighted authorities' woefully inadequate attitude toward animal rights law enforcement. 

The problem is not only the Council of Agriculture 農委會 fails to enforce regulations, even if mistreatment is exposed by individuals or animal-rights groups, authorities often impose a light penalty, and in some cases even defend the wrongdoer, rendering any punishment utterly ineffective. It's time to consider animals welfare in environments such as zoos and aquariums_if it is civilized behavior to imprison animals in confined spaces and ignore their needs simply because some people want to look at them and be entertained by them from time to time? 

Crying Hippo (his name is River 阿河) Tragically Dies! After jumping from moving truck ‪#‎Taiwan‬. There are 36+ animal entertaining centers in this small island. Religious groups often play live-animals-catch-&-release ceremony for fortune karma. Popular saying: "Anything that moves can be _xd.". No wonder, animals are treated as commercial goods or gifts without proper government. 河馬阿河, 因為天馬牧場違反規定, 反覆轉運中_連續重摔2次_又受業者掩飾未及時醫療, 只能含淚而亡,對此事,學者及動保團體痛批,主管機關農委會及台北市立木柵動物園都沒有伸出援手,根本就是見死不救。

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Sky Lee https://facebook.com/themoslar
ZombieNews https://www.facebook.com/tai1news
FarEastTaiwan https://www.facebook.com/fatwd

2015-01-08 阿河走了,農委會擬製成標本 udn.com/news/story/7470/628656 


2013年8月,農委會陳保基率農糧署長 防檢局長...前往頂新總部,私下晉見中國海協會副會長鄭立中。






0113: 國內爆發歷來最大規模鵝鴨禽流感疫情,嘉義、雲林、台南、彰化、高雄與屏東等縣市淪陷,而且疫情有蔓延北上至桃園的趨勢,根據根據防檢局彙整各地通報的統計,截至1月12日全台通報異常的縣市增為7縣市65場,確診染新型H5N2及H5N8病毒禽場計有20場,將撲殺8萬9775隻肉鵝,7065隻蛋鴨...



台灣人最近最好不要出國 :( 查看更多反應 https://www.facebook.com/RevNews/posts/439499139536987


In Defense of Animals (3,572個分享)  ~ https://www.facebook.com/indefenseofanimals/photos/a.10150796907537346…

Crying Hippo Tragically Dies after Falling Twice During Careless Zoo Transport 

Many Taiwanese witnessed as a hippopotamus named A-ho fell from a truck during transport from Sky Zoo to another private zoo in Miaoli County. Veterinarians arrived on the scene to find long white streaks beneath A-ho’s eyes, likely from crying in pain from his injuries. A-ho appeared to have fallen from the window of the transport truck onto a parked car. He could not move and laid there in pain until "rescuers" came. 


In a second unfortunate accident, these "rescuers" dropped A-ho from a height of two meters while hoisting him into the truck. Veterinarians compounded the original injuries even further when they somehow assumed that he was in good health, although there was blood near the scene of the original accident. After swimming in a rehabilitation pond for a couple days, A-ho died, proving that he had sustained significant internal injuries from his falls. 


Local activists say A-ho's horrific series of accidents demonstrates Taiwan's lack of enforcement of existing animal protection laws, meager as they are. This is yet another tragic demonstration showing that wild animals should not be held captive in zoos. 


For more information, please read the following articles:


Taipei Times: Hippo looks "better" after falling from truck and being dropped in crate http://www.taipeitimes.com/…/front/ar…/2014/12/28/2003607767

RN https://www.facebook.com/RevNews
佔領台 https://www.facebook.com/occupytaiwan
Sky Lee https://facebook.com/themoslar
ZombieNews https://www.facebook.com/tai1news
FarEastTaiwan https://www.facebook.com/fatwd
Blog https://www.peopo.org/occupytaiwan


無限期抵制天馬牧場-不要再有下一個阿河 https://www.facebook.com/events/336964533173096/ 我們拒絕在這些地方消費,因為只要有收入,業者… #不入場!不消費! 抵制倒底!


Taiwan SPCA選出最惡劣、罔顧動物福利的場所




1/6(二) 19:00~21:00 @ 第一學生活動中心(活大)103展示室





直擊/天馬牧場亂象 園方及家長放任小孩戲謔霸凌動物

天馬牧場多次被舉報「虐待動物」! 台中市政府卻未依法據實查緝,變相縱放犯罪!

下令徹查天馬牧場 台中市長林佳龍:阿河可能不是個案



騎保育龜 敲破殼 恐怖牧場 售票任遊客虐動物


查看更多留言(最近不敢出國xd) https://www.facebook.com/RevNews/posts/439499139536987

Ichelle Abraham I boycott zoos and circus.
收回讚 · 回覆 · 6 · 2小時
Karl David Traub This is why your country get no respect!
收回讚 · 回覆 · 6 · 2小時
Alfredo Cubillos Horrible!
收回讚 · 回覆 · 5 · 2小時
George Mitchell Poor hippo, cruel fuckers!!
收回讚 · 回覆 · 5 · 3小時
Marsh Descendant OfCage What if we cage stupid capitalists and exhibit them to the public?
收回讚 · 回覆 · 9 · 4小時

Brenda Belen this is disgusting.
收回讚 · 回覆 · 6 · 6小時 · 已編輯
Nathan Hemene Maguire Stinking bastards shouldn't have a right to have zoos or hold on to any animal dumbed down nation
收回讚 · 回覆 · 6 · 5小時
Heavenly Diehl DIY = give money value ZERO.. it is still Your labour that holds them in power.
收回讚 · 回覆 · 6 · 6小時
Johnny Deals This pisses me off!!!!

Juanita C Alvarado Stupid people. That's so sad for such a beautiful beast
收回讚 · 回覆 · 18 · 19小時

Bernardo Nunez As long as you people keep going to the zoo, animals will be held captive.

Jeff White i agree i always felt out of place when i went to a zoo
讚 · 2 · 7小時

Skip Stacks Fuck all zoos.
收回讚 · 回覆 · 10 · 23小時
Karlene Izer  just leave animals in their habitat. Stop harming them, they are beautiful.
收回讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 2小時
Nubes Romero WTF!!! this is a disgusting display of human action!! karma is a bitch!
收回讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 14小時

Roxanne Tiefenrausch This is so cruel and wrong. Poor creature. 
收回讚 · 回覆 · 5 · 19小時
Abdullahi Amina This is absolutely horrible. And all this just for people's entertainment
收回讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 20小時
Xtophr Talon I'm just a stupid door kicker and I know the "white fluid" had a better chance of being CSF (indicating a skull fracture) than tears.
收回讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 20小時
Carine Haïdopoulo Horrible! They should transport the same way the people who are responsible for this! Make me so sad and ashamed to be human 
收回讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 20小時
陳貝爾 The right of animals in Taiwan just developing, pay more attention to this issue.
收回讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 20小時 · 已編輯
Aroena van Norren Aww man I hope they die of guilt! Poor critter. F*cking idiots
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Tim Logue leave the fucking animals alone , bad as poachers ,uneducated dicks
收回讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 21小時
Coppélia Van den Bergh Stop caging animals for entertainment of people! Let all animals free!
收回讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 22小時

Susanne Hämmerle some have no more place to go because humans destroyed their areas & they have to learn to haunt &&& again. but in a way you are so right.
讚 · 1 · 21小時

Renee Stanton Why was.nt he surcured in the truck .this is so sad i cant imagine How much pain it must have gone though. The zoo's over there are bad. I feel so sorry for the poor animals
收回讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 22小時
Real-Eyes Realize Real-Lies how is that possible? !?!?! Jail for the incompetent staff
收回讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 22小時 · 已編輯
Lauren Hayter This poor poor creature. May he be at peace. My heart breaks for this animal.
收回讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 22小時
饒紫琴 Stop Animal Cruelty ! taiwan , wake up
收回讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 22小時
Tyson Campbell lets ship these fucking wild animals around in trucks I wouldnt even put my children in because they make us a little bit of money each year. then if shit happens like this just drive away and not take the time to go back for it because Im a fucking lowlife scumbag and should be locked in a cage like I do to all my animals.
收回讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 23小時
Ashley Valentine This makes me sad. I hate seeing animals like this ,like I can't even watch on TV the abused animals without tearing
收回讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 23小時
Shane Dillard The people responsible for this should have their damn legs broken and experience the same pain.
收回讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 23小時
Andres Silva Incompetent dumb fucks. Do not support zoos or circuses
收回讚 · 回覆 · 6 · 23小時 · 已編輯
Jackie Hanger This is brutal, and should not happen!
收回讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 23小時
Linda Vikman  i boycott zoos and circuses
收回讚 · 回覆 · 27 · 昨天 15:47
Jeb Beeson That is what is wrong with the world today, if you are human how can you just watch something or someone suffering regardless of consequences, this is how the govt want people, like sheep.

收回讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 20小時
Scott Jamison People are greedy. They forget they should be living in harmony with nature. Not trying to master it!!
收回讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 1 小時
Tyrone Shadoww Seer
[Tyrone Shadoww Seer 的相片。]
收回讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 20小時
Eyad Marzouq No Zoos no circuses period!
收回讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 1 小時
Allison Walsh Awful poor baby
讚 · 回覆 · 14 · 昨天 15:44
Ozzy Martinez Assholes!!
讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 23小時
Chor Chun there are so many animals that are tragically killed everyday...probably some of them are in your stomach now.....
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 15小時
Aygün Şahin I can't believe this, I really can't!!! What happened to people?? Why are we so ignorant, heartless, selfish, and egomaniacs??
讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 16小時

Maximillian Tyberius Kade What happened? Humans have always been this way, we've just improved our methods.
讚 · 12小時
Aygün Şahin Yes, I guess... As I always say, whatever we as humans experience since the human history (war, using religion for one's own purpose, torture, misuse of human, animals AND the environment etc. - the list is long...) is a result of HUMAN EGO and nothing else!
讚 · 11小時
Scott Jamison I would say it was a result of Greed! Pure Greed = Pure Evil
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MossifaceMatt Pearce A fucking disgrace and tragedy

Jeremiah Brakhahn People that say "it's just an animal" so are you, so go fuck your self you heartless pricks.
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Ralph Welton We're a despicable species.
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Connor McNew Nooo 
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Alfredo Carmona I hurt more to see animals suffer than humans (except children)... innocence is a beautiful thing
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 6小時
Zola Moloi This is such a travesty
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 7小時
Ben Mikha Poor baby.. people stop being so cruel
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Sea Bass Zws  r.i.p brother one day i will dissolve into the soil and we will be one and free again .
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Cres-c Hernan-v Humans
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 23小時
Ofa Makaui So sad as for the humans sick pieces of .
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Fran Jones Humans suck
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Jon Ransdell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvxg0R0npmI
Dystopia - Taste Your Own Medicine
The Aftermath (1999) Lyrics: Why are animals so abused? Used as jackets, bracelets, and shoes...

D-Arteest WattsNooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!! I'm crying !! How heart breaking !!! Boycott zoos
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Miriam Padilla Horrible
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Erin Bean Mayer SHAMEFUL
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Nathan Smith What a bunch of fucking idiots!! Send those fucks to jail.
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Douglas Newman Horrible!
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Charles Martinesi Not cool.
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Ricardo Palacios That's messed up
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Ron English This is the reason I have choose not to go to zoos or circuses.
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Evez Estevez Htf do you drop a hippo not once but twice wtf man wtf. Poor baby this shit just enraged my soul on so many levels.No animal should be held captive they belong in nature. Just because we are already enslaved doesn't mean we enslave them. I can't get around this how the fuvk do you drop a hippo????
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Robbin Riddell that didnt have ti happen taken away to soon
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Todd Alex Lane Aho is defiantly in a better place away from the human race.
讚 · 回覆 · 6小時
Mike Bk Fucking some culture s have no respect for animals. Asia mostly.
讚 · 回覆 · 6小時
Dave McKay This is sad
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Laci Hart fuck them people, there is an afterlife, and they won't get out of this life alive. stop supporting business that use animals.
讚 · 回覆 · 6小時
Jeff White omg...so sad
讚 · 回覆 · 7小時
Ron Viido :((((((
讚 · 回覆 · 7小時
Kristina Rorhan Fuck every zoo that exists in this world. I'd rather a species become extinct than for this torturous bullshit to exist. What a cruel world we live in. Simply heartbreaking. 
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Wez Margules FUCK ZOOS
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M Mylina Potter Sad....
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Trent Stewart Fucked up
讚 · 回覆 · 9小時
Matty Mattelyn The one's that dropped the poor thing should be held responsible for it!
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Tabbie Cronin D: breaks my heart to see such human negligence. Not shocking though...humans are wasteful, careless, greedy and selfish. We can change, love all life.
讚 · 回覆 · 9小時
Kelley Becker Zimmerman i'm crying. i'm ashamed to be human. can't stop crying.
讚 · 回覆 · 9小時
Arun Vikash Sad...
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Denz Ruelas fucking all zoo should vanish i hope the fuckers end up killing themselves from all the guilt\
讚 · 回覆 · 10小時
El Yan Fucked up
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Dan Sims Karma will come back to them 10 fold.
讚 · 回覆 · 11小時
Mona Nasrallah 
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Ross McGuire Fuckin sick is what that is
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Mónica Rodríguez 
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Don Mugford This hurts me a lot. When i was a kid my friend and i went to a zoo and sang the hippo song to the hippos at the zoo. And they laughed. The hippos did. When i saw the picture above i felt a rush through my body. Anger. Saddness.
讚 · 回覆 · 11小時
Michael Rodrigues NOOOOOOOOO 
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Leena Nelson eliminate zoos
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Gonzalez Ivan Poor hippo  fucking zoo's are just nothing but prisons
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David Dunn Thats mess up
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Kenny Buckhorn )`:
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Gabriel Tellier Rip.
讚 · 回覆 · 13小時
Margaret Vanessa Marquez-Davis 
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Traci Solo Lobo Bicker That's heartbreaking!! My favourite creature 
讚 · 回覆 · 13小時
Oneeightfive Sixsixeight Twothreetwo  my chest hurts; I haven't been to an animal prison in over a decade, don't eat meat and don't wear leather. Hippos are very sentient. My criminally stupid world. 
讚 · 回覆 · 14小時
Donald Thomas Littley So tragic
讚 · 回覆 · 14小時
Ranulfo Sosa Why?
讚 · 回覆 · 15小時
Scott Hull Sooooo pissed off! Take all their animals away until they know how to take better care!
讚 · 回覆 · 15小時
Nelly Mcnuu In the near future all we will have just chicken & cows (lamb would be too expensive), and soon after we will be eating tablets of food for you to exist. After they have got rid of nature then they have it all
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Brittany Braddock So disturbing & depressing
讚 · 回覆 · 16小時
Sal Therapybysal Lao That's fuked up....
讚 · 回覆 · 16小時
Ashley Athena Wow u can see the tear running down his eyes and the pain and agony on it's face, this is so upsetting and unsettling smh, If the animals all turned against us humans I would not be surprised this is just wrong! For the most part animals do what they are supposed to do, they don't destroy nearly as much as we.... Sometimes I really hate some of man kind.
讚 · 回覆 · 16小時
Aryl Mel Poor baby 
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Elvi Brevi Idiots.
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Jorge Garcia Fucken assholes ... Hope they pay for it..
讚 · 回覆 · 17小時
Molly Riley Terrible 
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Sunny Sos Godson TOO BAD.........that's why i dont like zoo but then zoo have its own educational advantage.
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Kim Mc I'm so sorry this happened to u River. RIP.
讚 · 回覆 · 17小時
Daron Harrison Dunn  That's awful.
[Daron Harrison Dunn 的相片。]
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Jean-Michel Picard Unfuck The World !!! PLEASE !!!
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Scott Smith Boo animal rights wear were they
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Whaere Helheuhe Crying uncontrollably
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Anna Manetta-Stark 
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Emily Rainy Al least he is now free from humans cruelty and enjoyng himself on the rainbow bridge. Rip
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Kinga Mclean Poor baby  rotten im hell u fuxkin idiots!!!!!

Lisa Blue humans do some pretty cruel, diabolical stuff in the name of religion. 

Ed Almada so wrong
讚 · 回覆 · 昨天 15:50
Brenda Bowman   poor animals aren't even free anymore.. this is a sad example of lack of competence & human compassion. 
Taylor Richards Let's throw them off a truck see how they feel
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 9小時
Victor Sabella That is sad. Animals should be roaming freely in their habitats.
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 17小時
Joshua Williams Oh man
讚 · 回覆 · 3小時
Elif Alan Ercan Horrible, just heart breaking. Such a cruel world.
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Van Quin Dicks!
讚 · 回覆 · 7小時
Valerie Hopkins Sick! Just leave these poor animals Alone!
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Taylor Richards Zoos are a place where animals are safe let's face it we have been killing their environment they need protection but not this protection
讚 · 回覆 · 9小時
Ura Sol i advise to pass this to anyone who has not seen it. it has the capacity to immediately awaken us to not harming and killing.
Earthlings - Full length documentary (multi-subtitles)
EARTHLINGS is the single most powerful and...
讚 · 回覆 · 移除預覽 · 9小時
Souljah Dee Hate you people
讚 · 回覆 · 10小時
PJ O'brien WTF!!! Horrible way to treat such beautiful creatures some Humans Need exterminating
讚 · 回覆 · 11小時
Kristina LifeChanges Trifelitti Erika Heather Woods... only cus Tiwan
讚 · 回覆 · 11小時
Zino Bumaye Sünde! Das machen Menschen die kein Herz haben罪 !沒有心的人 (翻譯由 Bing 提供)



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