

2014/06/12 12:00
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PeoPo推 14

《採訪 / 剪輯:黃東榕,特別感謝翻譯志工:Harold Teng  


【Elderly At-home Care in Rural Areas】


The  story of "Volunteer Chang and her 12km trek to Grandma Li" is a true story of service provided by the Mennonite Social Welfare Foundation. Chang Yu-hsuan is a caregiver at the Southern Regional Center of the Foundation, and the story is about touching incidents of her service in a rural township called Tsuo Hsi (literally "The Tsuo River"). There are many stories like that in the countryside, and also many different circumstances that we may not have experienced or even thought about, especially since in our familiar surroundings we have habitually accepted the convenience brought by urbanization as fact. As shown in the film, Grandma Li is nearly 80 years old, blind, and mobility-challenged, and her nearest neighbor is 12 km (8 miles) away! Without family support, geriatric at-home care is a fundamental need,  as rural governments do not have sufficient institutionalized resources nor energy to provide such care, and cases may be spread-out over a wide area, far from institutionalized care providers; we have found that, taking into account such difficulties, a combination of recorded visitations and direct care by caregivers at home provides a better quality of care. 



↑Caregiver Chang is helping the blind and bedridden Grandma Li up from her bed for meals and baths. This is typical of the care Chang provides on a regular basis. ( Photo by the Mennonite Social Welfare Foundation)


Noting the need for elderly care in rural areas, the Mennonite Social Welfare Foundation has been slowly expanding, without fanfare,  into the mountainous regional of southern Hualien since 2002, to provide care for the elderly who are disadvantaged and/or living alone. The Tsuo Hsi  area is mountainous and difficult, and caregivers - after successfully completing the Foundation's caregiver training course - take turns in such rural regions to provide care . Sometimes volunteers have to learn to traverse the difficult terrain, but caregivers provide invaluable support - both physically and emotionally - to these elderly citizens in the remote countryside.


【Surprise and  inspiration on her first visit】


Chang remembered that the first time she was supposed to visit Grandma Li, she rode her scooter all over Tsuo Hsi township but could not find her house; uneasily, she followed the road into the mountains, and finally found the little shack by the riverbed where Grandma and Grandpa Li lives, after more than 10 kilometers; Chang could not believe that they live 12 km from their nearest neighbor! Grandma Li is almost 80 years old, blind, and bedridden; she lives with her 86-years-old husband in a shack build from corrugated metal sheets, in less than ideal conditions. Other members of her family had to work and find it difficult to visit and assist the elderly couple. 



↑ Tsuo Hsi Township is a remote village in the south of Hualien, with many elderly clients spread out over the tribal regions. Caregivers often have to traverse difficult terrain to care for the health and wellbeing of their clients . (Photo by the Mennonite Social Welfare Foundation)



↑ Grandma Li quietly enjoys a meal with assistance from her caregiver. ( Photo by the Mennonite Social Welfare Foundation)



↑Although Grandma Li can no longer speak, she cooperates well with her caregiver, and likewise her caregiver attempts to provide Li with the best possible care for her health and well-being. ( Photo by the Mennonite Social Welfare Foundation)


Caregiver Chang said that once she visited the elderly couple in pouring rain,  and Grandpa Li, nearly 90 years of age, was waiting for her at the door, braving the rain, because he was worried for her on the mountainous roads in the rain; she was quite touched by that gesture. Chang said that the couple have come to treat her as a daughter over the past few years of service,  and whenever her visit ends Grandpa will always tell her to be careful on the mountainous roads! Chang said that the couple are like "big babies", always cooperative and heedful of her advice,  and so she loves visiting and taking care of Grandma Li - she finds joy in seeing the old couple happy, even if she has to come such a long way to visit! 



↑After bathing Grandma Li and before ending her visit, Caregiver Chang says goodbye  to Grandma Li; Chang says that helping Grandma Li to be comfortable is her greatest satisfaction from her visit. ( Photo by the Mennonite Social Welfare Foundation)

【在地札根 獨居長者安心】

【Taking local roots to better assist local elderly】


The southern Hualien region has almost 12,000 senior citizens; among them, those that are disadvantaged and/or living alone require not only healthcare but often assisted living services. The Mennonite Social Welfare Foundation was established in 1997, and has been engaged in geriatric assistance work in the County. Since the Hualien County is a long and narrow strip of land 140 km (87 miles) in length, in order to provide better care to the elderly clients in the southern part of the County, the Foundation rented an office in Yuli Township in January 2005, to provide various at-home and community services. Even then, the needy and the disadvantaged in the rural regions of Hualien still need engagement and charitable assistance from society at large. 



↑Caregiver Chang often traverses the countryside; she said that she finds joy in supporting the disadvantaged elderly and being a part of their lives. ( Photo by the Mennonite Social Welfare Foundation)

《採訪 / 編輯:黃東榕,翻譯志工:  》





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・ 2014/07/25 20:18



・ 2014/07/25 20:19

