
Construction of final post-Morakot housing development project begins.

2014/01/07 17:25
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Four years ago, floods triggered by typhoon Morakot wrought destruction upon the village of Laiji, in Alishan Township, Chiayi County.

When the subject of relocation was raised it became evident that there were mixed views. Around forty families favored relocation to ‘Luzijiao Permanent Housing Village’, and twenty families to ‘Yueye Permanent Housing Village’, whereas forty-two families were insistent on returning back to their ancestral home deep in the mountains (Forestry Bureau land - Plot 152).

However, as the tribespeople’s wish was in direct contradiction of many existing land development laws and regulations, it turned out to be the fuel that ignited a long dispute.

The long-awaited opening ceremony for building work to commence on Plot 152, marks a successful four-year struggle by Laiji village chief Chen You-fu (陳有福) to secure the tribe’s ancestral homeland for his people.

As a symbol of the tribe’s courageous ancestral spirit, in temperatures of only 10 °C, the ceremony featured traditional singing and dancing from the Tsou village children, winning the praise and admiration of all present.




Construction of final post-Morakot housing development project begins.







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