
看看那些是綠色企業?guide to greener electronics

2007/12/07 09:44
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PeoPo推 2


綠色和平組織一直以來給我的印象就是喜歡用遊艇在大船旁邊繞來繞去,以及很多環保辣妹脫衣服示威的激進組織(笑)。但是他們推行一陣子的綠色電子企業評鑑(guide to greener electronics),卻讓我印象深刻。


綠色和平組織一直以來給我的印象就是喜歡用遊艇在大船旁邊繞來繞去,以及很多環保辣妹脫衣服示威的激進組織(笑)。但是他們推行一陣子的綠色電子企業評鑑(guide to greener electronics),卻讓我印象深刻。


這樣的依據看起來很鬆,但想必執行起來很難,在列舉的主要幾個企業中,Sony Ericsson因為回收事件成為新的綠色企業龍頭。Samsung則是避免使用有毒物質也在領先群組。

有趣的是,娛樂大廠任天堂( Nintendo)和微軟(Microsoft)是紅色企業,對產品的製造及回收完全不環保,幾乎已經是接近零分,尤其是任天堂是第一個得到全零分的公司。




7.7 Sony Ericsson - New leader due to improved takeback reporting, new models PVC free, but falls down on takeback practice.

7.7 Samsung - Big improvements, with more products free of the worst toxic chemicals. Loses points for incomplete takeback practice.

7.3 Sony - More products free of toxic PVC and improved reporting on recycling and takeback especially in the US.

7.3 Dell - Unchanged since the last version, still no products on the market without the worst chemicals.

7.3 Lenovo - Unchanged since the last version, still no products on the market without the worst chemicals.

7 Toshiba - Much improved on toxic chemicals but still lobbies in the US for regressive takeback policies.

7 LGE - Unchanged since the last version, need better takeback for products other than phones.

7 Fujitsu-Siemens - Unchanged since the last version, needs toxic elimination timelines, better takeback coverage and reporting of amounts recycled.

6.7 Nokia- A steep fall! Strong on toxic chemicals but penalty point deducted for deficiencies in takeback practice in Thailand, Russia and Argentina during our testsing.

6.7 HP - Finally provided timelines for eliminating worst toxic chemicals, though not for all products; needs to improve takeback coverage.

6 Apple - Slightly improved with new iMacs and some iPods reducing the use of toxic chemicals, takeback programme still needs more work.

5.7 Acer - Unchanged since the last version, needs better takeback coverage and reporting of amounts recycled.

5 Panasonic - Unchanged since the last version, need better takeback coverage and reporting of amounts recycled.

5 Motorola - Big faller due to penalty point for poor takeback practice in Philippines, Thailand and India revealed by our testing. Still no timelines for eliminating the most harmful chemicals.

4.7 Sharp - New to the guide - some plus points on toxic chemicals elimination but poor takeback policy and practice.

2.7 Microsoft - New to the guide - long timeline for toxic chemicals elimination (2011) and poor takeback policy and practice.

2 Philips - New to the guide - no timeline for toxic chemicals elimination and zero points on e-waste policy and practice.

0 Nintendo - New to the guide - first global brand to score zero across all criteria!

Green Guide to Electronics



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