
Study in Taiwan, Make Your Dreams Come True

2025/01/10 21:00
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【 Follow your dreams in Taiwan with the TaiwanICDF scholarship program 】

 The TaiwanICDF Scholarship Program has been helping talented youth from Taiwan’s allies and 
partner countries chase their dreams for many years. These young scholars achieve academic 
excellence in Taiwan, before returning home to contribute their knowledge and skills, driving growth 
and innovation in their communities. Their inspiring journeys never fail to touch hearts. 

Behind every scholarship recipient is a story of courage and hope, with the TaiwanICDF standing by 
to provide unwavering support. Join us as we listen to these moving testimonies and celebrate the 
power of dreams come true! 
Dreaming of studying in Taiwan? The 2025 TaiwanICDF Scholarship is your golden ticket! 
Applications are open from December 1, 2024, to March 15, 2025. 
Learn More and Apply Today: 
➡ Program Information: https://reurl.cc/463moj 

➡ Submit Your Application: https://reurl.cc/oVxd5v 

Don’t miss this opportunity to pursue your academic goals in Taiwan! 
Share this post and help spread the word. 


 ➡ 獎學金計畫資訊:https://reurl.cc/463moj 
➡ 立即申請:https://reurl.cc/oVxd5v   





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