
國際白疤中心成立 曹賜斌院長開場致詞:代表著「白疤醫療的國際化」和「機構化」 嘉惠全球白疤患者

2023/12/26 23:53
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國際白疤中心成立 曹賜斌院長開場致詞













International White Scar Center Inauguration - Opening Speech by Director Tsao Su-Ben


Thank you to all esteemed guests, and a special welcome to everyone attending the inauguration ceremony of the International White Scar Center at Tsao Su-Ben Plastic Surgery Clinic, including our friends from the press. We sincerely appreciate your presence amid your busy schedules.

The establishment of this International White Scar Center holds profound significance for us, and I'd like to share the reasons with all of you.


Firstly, it signifies the internationalization and institutionalization of white scar treatment. We have not only achieved international standards in terms of technology but have also meticulously designed the facilities, both in hardware and software aspects. This ensures that patients with white scars, globally and in Taiwan, can benefit from enhanced physical and mental therapy through this center.


Secondly, we are committed to providing comprehensive treatment that addresses both the external and internal aspects, fulfilling the goal of "Cure White Scar, Cure Mind Scar." For individuals with scars, the marks on their bodies may seem insignificant to others, but for them, it represents a deep emotional pain.


This emotional suffering is insurmountable because scars evoke memories of a painful past, involving sensitive matters such as suicide, bullying, cleft lip and palate, cosmetic surgeries, or cesarean sections. Over the years, the psychological burden of having a "non-treatable" condition has caused immense distress to white scar patients. Therefore, our White Scar Color Regeneration Procedure aims to achieve holistic physical and mental healing, marking our second significant goal.


The third meaning lies in the aspiration to carry on the legacy of my mentor, the founding director of Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, the permanent honorary director, and the father of plastic surgery in Taiwan, Director Noordhoff. His spirit was encapsulated in the motto "Love Makes Whole." Our philosophy of " Cure White Scar, Cure Mind Scar" aligns with this principle. Through our efforts, we hope to realize the goal of passing on the legacy of love.


Thank you all for your support and encouragement.



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