
Promoting Rotary Global Initiative: Implementing Local Medicalization in Taiwan-Liuqu

2023/06/29 16:00
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6/29, Huang Zhengkai, President of A-Kong Dien club in District 3510 of Rotary International, along with 13 Rotary clubs and Rotary District 3740 from South Korea, visited Liuqiu Township Health Center. They donated an X-ray machine and a fundus camera, and conducted diabetes prevention and awareness lectures, aiming to enhance medical resources and safeguard the health of island residents.

Considering the lack of medical resources, hardware equipment, and healthcare services in the remote island region of Liuqiu Township, President Huang Zhengkai of A-Kong-Dien Rotary Club initiated the "Rotary Global Grant: Implementation of Essential Medical Devices and Diabetes Awareness Program in Liuqiu Township, Pingtung County." As part of this initiative, they donated an X-ray machine and a fundus camera to the local health center.

The donation and unveiling ceremony were hosted by Vice Director Lin Jin-Hong of Pingtung County Health Bureau. The donation was made by representatives of Rotary International District 3510, Director Wu Tai-Chang, and President Huang. In addition to the official representatives of Pingtung County Health Bureau and local representatives, nine Rotary clubs and several former district directors witnessed the ceremony. Furthermore, 60 members from various Rotary clubs assisted in organizing diabetes prevention lectures and promotional activities at the Ryukyu Township Health Center. President Huang stated that the increasing number of island residents seeking medical treatment in mainland Taiwan highlights the scarcity of local healthcare resources. With the significant growth in tourism in recent years, this donation project aims to implement the government's policy of "medicalization in the local community" and enhance the local healthcare environment.

Aging Population and Lack of Medical Resources in Liuqiu Township

The total land area of Ryukyu Township in Pingtung County is approximately 6.802 square kilometers. The population is around 12,104 people, with 1,418 elderly individuals, accounting for 11.52% of the population. Due to the lack of long-term care resources on the island and the outmigration of young people from the township, the number of elderly residents continues to rise, posing an urgent problem that needs to be addressed in terms of elderly care and management of chronic diseases. Healthcare services on the island are primarily provided by Ryukyu Health Center, along with five clinics and one dental clinic. Due to the island's geographical isolation, access to healthcare or medical services is inferior compared to the mainland. Additionally, the aging population structure of the island leads to a higher prevalence of chronic diseases among the residents. According to a survey by the Health Bureau, the estimated diabetic population in Ryukyu Township is around 1,200, based on the national average of approximately 10% diabetic population among Taiwanese.

Establishing Preventive Medicine to Safeguard Residents' Health

An X-ray machine is typically used as a diagnostic aid in general internal medicine or orthopedics. It is commonly employed for health check-ups.




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