
恐怖土石流的前世今生 (The past and present of the Terrible debris flow)

2021/04/17 11:38
48,204次瀏覽 ・ 115次分享 ・ 0則留言
PeoPo推 5


雖然影片內容看起來令人驚心動魄,實在是驚險萬分, 但事實上當時除了鋼便橋被沖毀外,主要的鋼構橋並無任何傷害 ;後續的工程也順利地完工。
為了回答許多外國朋友的關心及提問,進一步搜尋更多有關台21線112K的更多資訊, 包括88風災前及88時受災影像,這方面資訊來自第二養護工程處的網路簡報檔。
另外再加上Google earth的影像及街景,呈現出88前後較完整的大約輪廓。對於一些想了解當時到底發生什麼事的朋友,可以有相當的助益。
另外因為關注者大都是國外的朋友,所以除了中文字幕外,借助Google翻譯的幫助, 也一併將Google翻譯的譯文在字幕呈現,不過我英文程度不佳,謬誤難免,還請大家見諒。
The film cited in this report has attracted the most attention of foreign friends, so the click rate has exceeded one million. Although the content of the film looks thrilling, it is really thrilling, but in fact at that time, apart from the steel bridge was destroyed, the main steel bridge did not cause any damage. The subsequent works were also successfully completed. In order to answer the concerns and questions of many foreign friends, I further searched for more information about 112K on the 21st line, including images of the disaster before and after the 1988 typhoon and at 1988. This information comes from the online briefing file of the Second Conservation Engineering Office. In addition, Google earth's images and street scenes show a relatively complete outline around 88. For some friends who want to know what happened at that time, it can be quite helpful. In addition, because most of my followers are friends from abroad, in addition to Chinese subtitles, with the help of Google Translate, the translations of Google translation are also presented in the subtitles. However, my English is not good, and errors are inevitable. Please forgive me.


▶︎ 03:14
▶︎ 07:53

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