PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform's Code of Ethics for Users

  1. PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform is an open Internet platform encouraging citizens to register as users and report on public issues. Platform users are not PTS employees. The behavior of users while newsgathering is the sole responsibility of users and does not represent PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform or PTS. Platform users are forbidden from calling themselves “PeoPo journalists” or “PTS journalists”, or using business cards with the aforementioned status.
  2. Report content must be related to public issues, and be constructive
  3. Users must avoid personal gain from reporting, and not to benefit oneself or any affiliated organization.
  4. The content of reports must be original; the re-posting of content from other sites is prohibited. PeoPo encourages citizens to find their own issues to cover. The platform prohibits the re-posting or adaptation of press releases from government agencies or profit organizations.  
  5. PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform encourages original reporting. Reports should not use, reproduce or edit unauthorized text, photographs, images, or music.
  6. Users are forbidden from directly posting event brochures onto the platform. Events related to non-governmental organizations or nonprofit organizations should be presented in the form of a report and related event brochures attached as a link.
  7. Commercial publicity, commercial website links, and commercial contact numbers are strictly forbidden from reports.
  8. Disseminating candidate posters, related information, or periodically uploading reports on particular candidates during the elections of officials to public office is forbidden.
  9. When choosing headlines, users should avoid oversimplification or exaggeration that could mislead the audience
  10. Users must not use a hostile manner in the newsgathering process, disseminate false content, or engage in personal attacks.
  11. Users must not disseminate false content, or engage in personal attacks, and not to violates relevant laws and regulations in Taiwan
  12. Should the user be unable to verify the reliability of a source, any misgivings in relation to the story must be clearly indicated.
  13. Users should listen to all opinions while newsgathering and use only facts in reports
  14. Except in cases of public interest, users shall respect the privacy of subjects and, even where public interest comes into play, should avoid disturbing the victims of unfortunate circumstances.
  15. While newsgathering, taking photographs or shooting video, users should not place themselves or others in jeopardy, take unnecessary risks or violate any laws.
  16. Users are required to promptly admit and correct reports containing errors and are responsible for overseeing and correcting unfair news reports or misleading sources
  17. Within the citizen journalist report area, except for the report content itself, it is forbidden to post tags (such as personal names/organization names/other nouns, et cetera) or other related content that could easily mislead readers.